24 Weeks Pregnant How Often Should I Feel the Baby Move

Figuring out exactly where you are in your pregnancy tin be catchy. Read our guide to counting your pregnancy in weeks, months and trimesters.

How many weeks pregnant am I?

There's no way to know for sure exactly when yous ovulated and conceived unless y'all had an assisted conception. So most people, including health professionals, volition appointment your pregnancy based on your LMP (last menstrual catamenia) instead (NHS 2018a).

To work out how many weeks pregnant yous are past this measure, try to remember when your final menstruation started. The first solar day of your LMP counts as day ane of your pregnancy. Yous can observe out your estimated due date using our handy due date calculator.

Some women prefer to count their pregnancy from the twenty-four hour period that they were probable to be ovulating during the month in which they became meaning. This will give y'all an estimated appointment of conception, which will usually exist virtually two weeks after the starting time day of your LMP. So y'all'll be two weeks further forth in your pregnancy if information technology'due south calculated according to your LMP rather than your estimated date of conception.

So that's why BabyCenter, and nigh health professionals, will exist telling you that you've been pregnant for virtually two weeks longer than you really have been.

What if I don't know the date of my terminal period or I accept irregular periods?

The due date calculation works best if your menstrual wheel is regular and your periods are every 28 days.

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, you may not know the appointment of your LMP. And if your cycle varies in length, counting from the outset twenty-four hours of your LMP may not give you lot a appointment y'all can rely on.

An ultrasound browse early on in your pregnancy will give you a more than accurate due engagement for your baby.

You'll be offered a nuchal tranlsucency scan when y'all're betwixt eleven weeks and 13 weeks plus 6 days pregnant, based on your LMP. You may also be offered a dating browse a bit before, between ten weeks and 13 weeks plus vi days.

During these scans, the person performing the scan (sonographer) volition measure your babe from his caput to his bottom. This is called his crown rump length (CRL), and it gives a more than accurate idea of how far along your pregnancy is (NCCWCH 2008).

In one case you've worked out how many weeks meaning you are, check out the chart below to see how the weeks, months and trimesters of pregnancy line upwards with each other.

illustrated chart detailing how to count your pregnancy in trimesters, months and weeks

How can I be four weeks pregnant when I'm in my 5th week of pregnancy?

To understand this, it may aid to retrieve about age. When a baby turns one, he'southward finished his first year of beingness live. This means you'll say he's ane yr old, even though he's really in his second year of life.

Similarly, when yous complete your first calendar week of pregnancy, you're 1 calendar week pregnant. So y'all'll be i calendar week pregnant during your 2nd calendar week.

It'southward all almost completing each week – putting one week behind yous and starting another one. You're not half dozen weeks pregnant until yous've reached the end of your sixth week, and you're withal half dozen weeks pregnant until you achieve the end of your seventh week. So:

  • in your first week yous're zero weeks meaning
  • in your 2d week you're one week meaning
  • in your 3rd week you're ii weeks significant
  • in your quaternary calendar week you're three weeks pregnant
  • in your fifth week you're four weeks pregnant

This is why your personalised weekly newsletters from BabyCenter volition tell you that you're iv weeks meaning when you're in your 5th calendar week of pregnancy. Sign up for our newsletters here.

What is a trimester?

"Trimester" means "three months". As well-nigh pregnancies are around ix agenda months long, each pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters. This is just a useful manner to depict the changes that are happening in your body:

  • Your first trimester lasts from the very beginning of your pregnancy until y'all're 13 weeks plus six days pregnant. Forth with the excitement of discovering that you're expecting, you may feel wearied and queasy.
  • Your second trimester lasts from when yous're xiv weeks to when you're 27 weeks plus six days pregnant. During this trimester you'll probably experience much improve. You may first to bloom, your bump will show and early pregnancy symptoms will be behind you.
  • Your third trimester lasts from when you're 28 weeks significant until you accept your infant. You'll need actress energy to aid your baby'due south growth spurt, and tiredness will probably return.

You lot may also hear people talk about the fourth trimester. This refers to the three months subsequently the birth, when you're bonding with your new baby.

How long does pregnancy last?

Information technology depends on how yous count it. Well-nigh people determine their due date by counting 40 weeks from the commencement day of their LMP.

Forty weeks adds up to nigh:

  • nine calendar months (thirty or 31 days each), or
  • 10 lunar months (28 days each)

Is my infant really the size you lot say?

Each of our weekly fetal development pages has information virtually your unborn baby's size and weight. These are average figures.

All babies are virtually the same size early in pregnancy, merely they brainstorm to abound at different rates during the second trimester. That'south why some full-term babies weigh less than 2.5kg and some weigh more than 3.5kg.

Try non to worry if an ultrasound browse indicates that your baby is not the boilerplate size. As your pregnancy progresses, the range of what's considered a normal size gets bigger. Your dr. or midwife will let y'all know if they accept any concerns about the size of your baby.

How authentic is my due engagement?

Your due date is merely an estimate of when you'll give nativity. But nearly five per cent of babies are born on their due date (NCT nd).

About babies make it betwixt 37 weeks and 42 weeks of pregnancy (NHS 2018b), usually within a calendar week either side of their expected due date (VDH nd). And so you're unlikely to give birth on your bodily due engagement.

How practise I switch from pregnancy to baby newsletters?

If you've had your baby recently and yous're notwithstanding receiving BabyCenter newsletters about being pregnant, or if you're just getting the newsletter for the wrong week, all you need to do is update your family details.

  • Either apply the link above, or click on your profile icon (if you're logged into your account) in the pinnacle right corner of the screen.
  • This volition take you lot to the family details folio.
  • Yous can so remove or alter your due appointment or birth appointment data.
  • When you've changed your due appointment or your baby's birth date, click on "Salve changes".

Now that you know how to date your pregnancy, bank check out our guide to pregnancy week-by-week, and join our friendly Community to share your early symptoms and get plenty of tips.


NCCWCH. 2008. Antenatal care: routine care for the salubrious meaning adult female. Updated Feb 2019. National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health, Squeamish clinical guideline, 62. London: RCOG Press. www.nice.org.uk [Accessed March 2019]

NCT. nd. Overdue baby: what happens if my babe is late? National Childbirth Trust. www.nct.org.uk [Accessed March 2019]

NHS. 2018a. You lot and your pregnancy at one to 3 weeks. NHS, Health A-Z. www.nhs.great britain [Accessed March 2019]

NHS. 2018b. Pregnancy due engagement calculator. NHS, Wellness A-Z. www.nhs.uk [Accessed March 2019]

VDH. nd. Overdue babies. Victorian Department of Health, Amend Health Aqueduct. www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au [Accessed March 2019]


Source: https://www.babycenter.com.au/a549805/how-to-count-your-pregnancy-in-weeks-and-months

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