what to say in a follow up email for an internship

We're all familiar with the art of "circling back" and "only checking in" when yous never got a reply. You don't take a proven follow-up email template, so yous hesitate earlier typing.

What can you say to get your prospects to write back?

Below are 12 follow-up electronic mail templates to re-create and paste right now to employ in your outreach. Included below are existent-life examples and respond/response rates.

mail Template library in your inbox Ready-to-go messaging for the entire sales cycle

1. The "Nice to Meet You" Follow-Upward Email

When you have a mutual conversation with a stranger, it's safe to assume they'll welcome an electronic mail from you. So how practise you write the "overnice to meet you" email?

(Keyword: mutual)

For a fast follow upward, plug this information into a pre-fix follow up e-mail template:

  1. How y'all met — Refreshes their retention
  2. A takeaway from your conversation — Shows you were listening
  3. Your inquire — Keeps the ball moving

Here'due south how to curl it all together:

Subject area Line: Great to meet y'all at {!Result}

Hi {!First Name},

It was dainty to meet y'all at {!Occasion where y'all met}. I loved learning more nigh {!Something discussed}. I'm actually interested to hear more than most your part as {!Chore title} at {!Company name}, equally {!Reason why yous're interested}.

If you accept time in the coming weeks, let's {!Follow up activity}. I'm generally gratis on {!Days of the week}, if that works for yous?

Looking forward to keeping in touch!

Tip: Suggest a time as a starting signal, only go on your request flexible to requite them control.

Give your recipient complete control past inserting a meeting scheduler link into your email — seamlessly integrates with your Outlook or Gmail agenda.

two. The Introduction Email

Someone just tapped on the network you're so proud of, asking for an introduction email.

If they did it correct, they made it easy for you by sending along all the necessary info.

Which means you have a cardinal insight already: the value that they plan to provide.

Below is a short follow upward email that gets to the punch quickly:

follow up email template how to ask for an introduction

Hint: Don't forget to CC the person who requested the intro, and so they tin pick up the convo where you lot go out it off.

Re-create and paste this follow-upwardly email equally a template to customize in seconds:

Howdy {!First Name},

I hope this note finds you well and {!Personal note}.

{!Person requesting referral & their relation to you} (CC'd hither) mentioned to me that {!he/she} is looking {!Reason for their request to you lot}. I'm reaching out in hopes that you can betoken {!him/her} in the right direction.

Equally I recollect you lot know, {!What requester'due south company does}. {!Value argument — what'south in it for your recipient?}

Quick Favor
Might you be willing to introduce {!Requester's first proper noun} to the correct person who {!Responsibility} inside {!Their Company}? It would exist fantastic to {!Requester's end vision}.

Cheers in advance

mail-open Track your follow-ups Know when recipients read your emails, click on links, and view attachments

3. The "Just Left A Voicemail" Follow-Up Email

How many of your missed calls that go to voicemail are really missed?

Chances are your prospect could be actively ignoring yous (both your cold calls and cold emails).

Capturing their attention won't exist an like shooting fish in a barrel feat — but it'southward possible if you lot testify at that place's alignment.

After you leave a voicemail bulletin (voicemail and sales phone call scripts here), send an email to reiterate your value statement.

Similar this:

Subject line: Just tried your line / next steps

Hey {!Showtime Proper name},

I just left you a voicemail but wanted to drib a line by e-mail in case this is more convenient for you.

I'm reaching out because it looks like {!Bespeak of alignment between their company and yours}.

We're {!Company pitch with value to them — include stat & customer proper noun(s)}.

{!First Proper noun}, I'd love to connect virtually your specific needs. I likewise have a proffer about how you can {!Achieve desired result} (with or without us).

Give me a think at {!Your telephone number} if convenient, or feel gratis to reply to this electronic mail.


4. When You're Sent To Someone Else

Sometimes, that account you're chasing turns out to be a wild goose.

If Recipient 1 bounced you to another person, go along in mind the context with this new person:


These are the steps to have with your follow up email:

  1. CC the colleague you lot first emailed to increase your chances of a reply past 12%.
  2. Ask yourself, what pain signal does my company solve? How exactly does information technology solve information technology?
  3. Turn this into a trouble-solution specific to your recipient's function in his/her org.

And call up, practise your homework by visiting their visitor site and social media to make it even more personable.

Here's a template that 1 of our sales consultants uses regularly:

follow up email template

Salve this follow-up email as a template:

Hi {!FirstName},

I just spoke with {!Person} over the phone who pointed me your direction.

I reached out to {!Person} considering I noticed that your {!Department} squad is {!Pained situation}, which nosotros hear is a major challenge {!Why/how it's challenging}.

{!My Visitor} would automatically {!Paint the solution}. {!Person} suggested we have a conversation.

Could you and I arrange 15 minutes this week to explore how {!Your Company} could leverage {!My Company}?

Pro tip: Attempt adding a testimonial link to your email signature. Social proof makes your visitor more compelling, and hyperlinks let you runway clicks.

Like this:

Watch a brusk video to see how Acquia closes more than deals, faster with Yesware.

Here are 17 other A/B testing ideas for your emails to kickoff getting more replies.

5. When You've Just Had a Meeting

Lucky you — whoever you're emailing is invested in your relationship. They just spent their time meeting with you, and they're probably going to read your follow-up.

But how can you go beyond opens and increase replies?

Practise the work for them. Recap everything so all they do is confirm that 1) they received your electronic mail, and 2) your summary is accurate.

This is a sales meeting follow-upward template that our squad has great success with:

Hey {!Company Name} team,

Great meeting with yous today — thank you for your time and having united states of america {!come by the role/share in a discussion}. Look forward to reconvening on {!Agreed upon date}. Separate calendar invite to follow before long for that.

Quick Question

Can you please reply to confirm I recapped our give-and-take accurately and if I missed anything?

Your Current Initiatives / Priorities / Goals:

  • {!Priority i}
  • {!Priority 2}
  • {!Priority 3}

Evaluation Success Criteria:

  • {!Measure one}
  • {!Measure ii}

How {!My Visitor} Can Help:

  • {!Kickoff Benefit + End Picture}
  • {!Second Benefit + Stop Picture}
  • {!Third Benefit + End Movie}

Agreed Upon Adjacent Steps / Action Item Owners / Dates & Times:

  • {!First Action + Engagement} — {!Possessor 1}
  • {!2nd Activity + Date} — {!Owner 2}
  • {!Third Action + Appointment} — {!Possessor 3}

18 Proven Email Templates for Sales 18 Proven Email Templates for Sales Winning email templates for cold outreach, follow-ups, and nurturing relationships – backed by data and real-world examples.

6. When Yous Merely Left Your Interview

Yous just walked out of a great interview and you want to ready yourself upward for success.

How exercise y'all residual being polite with standing out from the residuum of the candidates for the chore?

Easy: take the extra 60 seconds to personalize your thank y'all to each person.

Two things to remember hither:

  1. Whoever you lot talked to has a decorated schedule. They spent their valuable time on your interview; show them it wasn't wasted. Generic emails are careless and imply that yous aren't invested in the opportunity.
  2. The individuals you interviewed with are all colleagues, which means they talk. Don't be the interviewee who blasts the same give thanks-you e-mail to everyone.

How to write a follow-up electronic mail subsequently your interview:

Personalize your email in iii ways to show you lot were listening and you're invested:

Paragraph one — Recap one point of give-and-take from your conversation

Paragraph 2 — Refer to their team's relationship with your team to-be

Paragraph iii — Mention a item that the interviewer disclosed to you lot

What your email should look like

Hither'southward the follow upwards email I sent to a sales managing director I met with when I was interviewing here at Yesware:
follow up email template what to send after your interview

Considering I took the time to transport a heartfelt thank-you, I won the reply and a returned sentiment:


Here'south a copy of this electronic mail template:

Howdy {Kickoff Proper name!},

Thank you for sitting down with me {!This morning/yesterday} to discuss {!Company} your function on the {!Department} squad, and what yous are looking for from a {!Role}. I love how {!Element of company culture or role responsibilities that yous discussed}.

It was so nice to hear about {!Something that aligns with your passions}. A team dynamic like this is something that I am very passionate virtually!

I also appreciate your disclosure well-nigh {!Some other point of discussion}. I'm glad to know that yous feel that {!Company} {!Something about conviction in company}.

Thank you again, {!Commencement Proper name}, and I hope you again presently!


seven. When They're Past Due Payment (And Yous're In Collections)

Make an uncomfortable situation easier with a proven drove letter of the alphabet template.

Here's how to go along your electronic mail agreement but forceful:

Subject area Line: Are you there, {!First Name}? Dropping a line

Howdy {!First Name},

I promise this note finds y'all well. I desire to follow upwardly on an invoice I emailed on {!Date}. I oasis't received the payment yet, so I wanted to ensure the email isn't lost somewhere in depths of cyberspace. Would y'all please check to see if the accounts payable section has received it? I'll be happy to resend if necessary. Otherwise, I await forward to receiving payment within a week.

I actually appreciate your assist! Thanks!

Want more templates for collecting late payments? Here are x more from Junetoo.

8. When You Get a Second Shot at Your PR Pitch

Your commencement pitch didn't win over the editor or reporter.

Fourth dimension to up your game.

Hither'south how to sell it: Keep your follow-up email shorter than your first one. Journalists spend less than i minute reading what you've sent them. They adopt bullet-form facts.

  • Know their beat — are you reaching out to the best person? If non, identify who is and use a gratuitous tool to notice their electronic mail.
  • No buzzwords allowed; just include the facts.
  • Offer an exclusive.

Below is an instance of a first electronic mail that I sent to FastCompany (followed by my follow-up):

follow up email template what to send for pr pitch

E-mail tracking revealed that my email was opened, simply I didn't get the reply. So here'southward the follow-up email I sent three days subsequently:


My shorter, bulleted follow-up email won the reply and a placement in Fast Company.

Re-create this template and re-utilize:

How-do-you-do {Starting time Proper noun!},

I know you lot're busy so I wanted to reach back out about my before request — take you had a chance to review the {!What you sent over} that I sent over {!When you sent it}?

{!1 judgement summarizing what you take is new, comprehensive, or groundbreaking}
{!Finding 1}
{!Finding ii}
{!Finding iii}

And more… Reattaching the {!Study or other source of further info}.

Give thanks you for your fourth dimension and looking forward to your feedback,

9. The Best Follow-Upwards E-mail Template For An Inbound Lead

Are you charged with reaching out to people who download your company's marketing content? Merely because someone read something doesn't mean they want to talk to sales (notwithstanding).

Which is why you need to nurture them. How? Provide new value that shows them why you're worth their time.

Our sales squad achieves a 34% reply rate by following up with people who downloaded our contempo ebook. Here'south an example of an electronic mail template that'south been filled out:

the best follow up email template for an inbound lead

Copy this example as a template:

Hullo {!First Name},

I noticed you got a chance to take a look at some of our content, specifically the piece {!Title of content}. I hope yous found some value there!

{!Question triggering pain point}?It'southward a reality in {!Their field} today, and the reason why {!How your company aligns}. I would love to {!action you're looking for} {!what it accomplishes for them}. {!Statement that shows your differentiation}.

{!First name}, do you have {!corporeality of time} complimentary on {!Mean solar day} {!time of day}?

chart-bar Eliminate the guesswork Know which templates your prospects notice nearly engaging

10. How to Send a Follow-Up Electronic mail Afterward No Response

Waiting for an answer from a friend, colleague, or vendor? Here's your reality:


Beneath is a follow-upward electronic mail template to send after no response.  This verbal electronic mail won me a 25% answer. Apply it equally a starting point or copy and paste the text directly here.

how to send a follow up email after no response

Hither's what to include in your follow upward after no response:

  1. Restate the context of the original electronic mail and the value to them.
  2. Include your explicit inquire.
  3. More than information: Any boosted resources for them to review.

Here'southward a template and so yous can re-use this follow-up email:

Hi {!First Proper noun},

In case y'all missed my email {!week/solar day you sent it}, {!restate why you lot're reaching out}. {!Value statement specific to recipient}.

My enquire for you lot:

  • {!First part of enquire}
  • {!Second part of ask}

{!Any additional information}.

Looking forward to your reply,

11. When They Asked Yous to Circle Back Later

What'southward your beginning reaction when your alarm goes off in the morning?

Snooze — it's how we procrastinate dealing with sales outreach, as well.

Instead of taking a coming together or committing to a contract, nosotros say, "permit's cheque back next quarter."

If you're the salesperson circling, you need to deliver tangible, relevant information.

Hither'due south a adept follow upward email that I received after going through a demo (names inverse):

circle back follow up email template example

A couple things to notation hither:

  1. Gary uses leaves the subject line empty; this is a tactic proven to increase opens
  2. The case study note delivers fast value with a brand name & a success metric
  3. The email signature includes a UTM-tagged ebook offer. This does two things. Information technology nurtures prospects and information technology provides marketing with engagement data. (More ideas on how to make your email signature work for you lot here.)

Take hold of the template:

Howdy {!First Proper name},

I know we're still in a holding blueprint, merely I wanted to send over a customer case written report that speaks to how {!Customer Name} leveraged {!type of production/service yous offer} to {!What they accomplished — HARD METRIC}.

What sort of timelines do you call up we're looking at to pick this back up?


Pro tip: Schedule your follow-up email now to send later. Then, employ tools like Google Alerts to monitor for trigger events that can help y'all go your foot in the door sooner. (You lot can always cancel your scheduled email if you discover more opportune timing sooner).

Make sure you lot're scheduling your emails at a time that recipients are in their inbox — check out our new 2020 written report that reveals the best time, day, and frequency to transport emails based on reply rates.

12. The "Break Up" Follow-Upwardly E-mail

You've been nurturing a ghost with a baste campaign, and it's fourth dimension to allow him or her go. (The proficient news is you can automate the whole process so you don't have to sit there with tissues).

Not sure how to say goodbye?

Here's a follow-up email template that our sales team has found works all-time for pause up emails:

follow up email template the breakup

Make this template your own [re-create, paste, customize]:

How-do-you-do {!Kickoff Name},

I've been reaching out because I run into a groovy opportunity for your squad to {!Outcome 1}, {!Outcome ii}, and {!Issue 3}.

Detest to be a bother, and then I'll programme on reconnecting in a few months, unless you tell me you're ready to evaluate sooner. If you lot were interested in getting your team on a pilot period to effort us out, I could help set that up too.

In the concurrently, I'll definitely proceed an eye out for {!Your company} news!

Cheers for your time.

Biggest takeaways: We dislike potential loss more than we bask potential proceeds. Which is why it'southward worth telling them you're walking away — especially if you want them to take action.

The combination of loss aversion and personalization is powerful. It drives a 33% reply charge per unit on touch plans where this is the fifth impact.

If you enjoy these email templates — they all live in this easily attainable doc.

The Best Recipe for the Perfect Follow Up


How to Send Emails Faster (and At The Right Time)

Below are three tools to send smarter, faster emails. They let you personalize at scale and automate total cadences that do the work for you.

Email Tracking — Get real-time alerts the moment your electronic mail is opened or clicked

So y'all know for sure when your emails are being read — and exactly when to follow up.

follow up email template: email tracking

Templates & Send Later on— Customize messaging in seconds, schedule for the right time.

So you lot spend less fourth dimension writing, can personalize emails in seconds, and find out what works.

follow up email template: email templates

Campaigns — Automated campaigns based on engagement (i.e. "transport in ii days if no reply.")

So yous schedule emails, phone calls, and custom tasks at one time (no need to watch for replies or call up follow-ups).

follow up email template: email campaigns

Over to you

Practice you have follow-upwards email templates for any categories that we missed? Exercise you lot find yourself in other follow-upwardly situations that nosotros can help with? Let us know on Twitter: @Yesware.


Source: https://www.yesware.com/blog/follow-up-email-template/

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