Are Large Capacity Magazines Illegal Again

Law restricting magazine capacity in firearms

A magazine for a SIG Sauer P365 XL, modified by the manufacturer to limit capacity to ten rounds, rather than its total 12 rounds. Capacity is limited by the crimp seen slightly below the 10-round witness hole, for compliance with the high-capacity mag ban in Massachusetts.

A loftier-chapters magazine ban is a constabulary which bans or otherwise restricts high-capacity magazines, detachable firearm magazines that can concur more than than a certain number of rounds of ammunition. For instance, in the United States, the now-expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 included limits regarding magazines that could hold more than than ten rounds. Eight U.S. states, and a number of local governments, ban or regulate magazines that they have legally defined every bit high-capacity. The majority of states do not ban or regulate any magazines on the basis of capacity. States that practice have large capacity magazine bans or restrictions typically do non employ to firearms with stock-still magazines whose capacity would otherwise exceed the large chapters threshold.

The federal ban which was in effect from 1994 to 2004 defined a magazine capable of belongings more than ten rounds of ammunition as a big capacity armament feeding device. Likewise, the state of California defines a large capacity mag every bit "whatsoever ammunition feeding device with a capacity to accept more than than ten rounds."[one] Such devices are commonly chosen high-capacity magazines.[2] [3] [4] Amongst states with bans, the maximum chapters is 10 to 20 rounds. Several municipalities, such as New York City, restrict magazine chapters to five rounds for rifles and shotguns.[v] The country of New York previously express magazine capacity to 7 rounds, but a District Courtroom ruled this ban to be excessive and could non "survive intermediate scrutiny".[6]

Magazine bans by country [edit]

Canada [edit]

With the passage of Bill C-17 in 1993 nether Prime Minister Kim Campbell (in response to the 1989 Ecole Polytechnique Massacre), magazines designed for use in semi-automatic centrefire rifles and semi-automated shotguns became limited to five rounds, and magazines designed for use in handguns are limited to 10 rounds. Magazines designed for use in semi-automatic rimfire rifles, as well as manually operated long guns, are exempt from the mag chapters restrictions.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of ways to legally piece of work around the mag capacity restrictions. Numerous semi-automated centrefire rifles besides happen to accept handgun magazines, thereby legally increasing magazine capacity. Numerous rifle and handgun magazines designed for a item caliber too happen to fit an over-the-limit number of smaller caliber rounds, as well legally increasing mag capacity.[7]

Britain [edit]

There is no ban, restriction or other additional legal requirements on the possession, buy, auction or import of high-capacity magazines in the U.k. that are designed for utilise in rifles, shotguns and pistols. Notwithstanding, since January 1989 all semi-automatic rifles (other than those chambered for .22 rimfire cartridges) and since Feb 1998 all semi-automatic pistols have been more often than not prohibited for possession by the full general public without a section v firearms licence due to legislation enacted later the 1987 Hungerford Massacre on semi-automatic rifles and subsequently the 1996 Dunblane Massacre on semi-automatic pistols. Before those respective dates a member of the public could own them on a standard section 1 firearms licence. This ways that even though high-chapters magazines are legal, they can only be legally used on semi-automatic rifles endemic by citizens with a section one firearms licence if they are chambered to burn down .22 rimfire cartridges only. Additionally though long-barreled pistols (pistols with a butt length of at least 12 inches) tin still be owned on a section one firearms licence, the legislation on pistols passed in February 1998 only affected firearms with a barrel length of less than 12 inches, pregnant that long-barreled pistols are in upshot regulated along the aforementioned lines as .22 rimfire semi automatic rifles, and and then long-barreled pistols can utilize high-capacity magazines, though simply when chambered to .22 rimfire cartridges like semi-automated rifles. Revolvers are non classed equally semi-automatic nether Britain law and thus can be owned in any caliber; however, they must still have a barrel length of at least 12 inches like semi-automated rifles and pistols if endemic on a section 1 firearms licence. Bolt action, direct pull, lever release and any other manually loading rifles can exist endemic in whatever caliber and utilise high capacity magazines.

Every bit for shotguns, at that place is legislation on all lever activeness, pump action and semi-automatic shotguns that restricts them to belongings a maximum of three cartridges at whatever one time if they are held on a department 2 shotgun licence. All the same shotguns with an unlimited chapters tin can be held on the more than strict department ane firearms licence if an bidder provides a 'good reason' to the chief officer of their local constabulary equally to why they demand a shotgun with a capacity over 3 shots. Typically a 'good reason' would exist for instance those hunting or controlling dangerous animals, or those who demand to command large numbers of pests at once (such as herds of rabbits).[8]

Usa [edit]

Federal Assail Weapons Ban of 1994 [edit]

William B. Ruger, a founder of Sturm, Ruger & Co., is often ascribed with providing the impetus for high capacity magazine restrictions. Ruger proposed that instead of banning firearms, Congress should outlaw magazines holding more than than 15 rounds.[9] Ruger told Tom Brokaw of NBC News in 1992 that "No honest man needs more 10 rounds in any gun".[10] [11] On March 30, 1989, Ruger sent a letter to every member of the US Congress stating:

The best manner to accost the firepower concern is therefore not to try to outlaw or license many millions of older and perfectly legitimate firearms (which would be a licensing try of staggering proportions) but to prohibit the possession of high capacity magazines. By a unproblematic, consummate and unequivocal ban on large capacity magazines, all the difficulty of defining 'assail rifle' and 'semi-automatic rifles' is eliminated. The big capacity magazine itself, separate or attached to the firearm, becomes the prohibited item. A single amendment to Federal firearms laws could effectively implement these objectives.[12]

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 included a ban on magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition.[xiii] : 1–2 The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, unremarkably called the assault weapons ban (AWB), was enacted in September 1994. The ban, including its ban on magazines capable of belongings more than ten rounds of ammunition, became defunct (expired) in September 2004 per a sunset provision. Attempts to renew the ban accept failed on the federal level.

State high-capacity magazine bans [edit]

Equally of Apr 2022, Washington, D.C. and 10 U.S. states have loftier-capacity mag restrictions or bans.[14]

  • California (on in-state sales of magazines with a capacity of 11 rounds or greater)
  • Colorado (on in-land sales of magazines with a chapters of 16 rounds or greater)
  • Connecticut
  • Hawaii (on handguns simply)
  • Maryland (on in-state sales of magazines with a chapters of 11 rounds or greater)
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Vermont (10-round magazine limit on rifles and a 15-round limit on handguns)
  • Washington (state) (on sale, manufacture, and importation of magazines with a capacity of 11 rounds or greater, but possession is legal)[three]

In Virginia, high-capacity magazines, which are defined equally being over 20 rounds for a semi-automatic, centerfire rifle or pistol, and 7 shells for a shotgun, are not in and of themselves banned, but using one in combination with a firearm changes its status to an "set on firearm" which is prohibited for strange nationals without permanent residence to possess,[15] [16] too equally requiring a license to carry in certain counties and cities.[17]

Municipal and county loftier-chapters magazine bans [edit]

U.South. cities with high-capacity magazine restrictions or bans include:

  • Denver, Colorado
  • Cook County, Illinois[eighteen] [19]
  • Aurora, Illinois
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Oak Park, Illinois
  • Albany, New York
  • Buffalo, New York
  • New York, New York
  • Rochester, New York

Legal status [edit]

Challenges to high-capacity magazine bans raised by National Burglarize Association (NRA) and other groups have been unsuccessful. The constitutionality of high-chapters magazine bans has been repeatedly upheld past the courts, including the U.Due south. Courts of Appeals for the First Excursion,[xx] Second Circuit,[21] Third Circuit,[22] Fourth Circuit,[23] 7th Circuit,[24] [25] [26] Ninth Circuit,[27] and D.C. Circuit.[28]

Public opinion [edit]

In 2012 62% of Americans favored banning the sale of high-capacity armament magazines, co-ordinate to a Gallup poll with a margin of error of ±4%.[29] In 2017, 65% of American adults supported banning high-capacity magazines, according to a Pew Research Center survey with an mistake owing to sampling of ±ii.8% at the 95% level of confidence.[30] In late Feb – early March 2018, subsequently the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, 63% of American adults supported a ban on the auction and possession of high-capacity or extended ammunition magazines, according to a CNN poll with a margin of mistake of ±iii.7%.[31] [32] 73% of American adults supported banning high-capacity ammunition magazines that agree more than 10 rounds, according to an NPR/Ipsos poll with a margin of fault of ±3.5%.[33] 70% of registered voters supported banning loftier-capacity magazines, co-ordinate to a Pol/Morning Consult poll with a margin of error ±2%.[34]

Hunting [edit]

Some jurisdictions apply magazine limits to hunters. For case, Maine and Oregon have a v-cartridge limit on motorcar-loading firearms for hunting.[35] : eighteen [36]

Touch [edit]

On gun homicide rates and lethality [edit]

A 2004 report examining the effects of the Federal Assail Weapons Ban in effect from 1994 to 2004 which included a prohibition on sales of magazines with over 10 rounds. The written report found that the ban was effective at reducing crimes committed with assault weapons, though less than ii% of gun murders in the U.S. are committed with attack weapons.[37] The ban was not associated with a reduction in firearm homicides or the lethality of gun crimes in general. The authors suggest this may exist due to the concurrent rise in use of non-banned semiautomatic weapons with large capacity magazines. The authors annotation that high-capacity magazines have a greater potential for affecting gun crime as compared to assault weapons due to the fact that high-chapters magazines are used in firearms non classified every bit assault weapons. The authors farther note, "However, it is not clear how often the power to fire more than 10 shots without reloading (the current magazine chapters limit) affects the outcomes of gun attacks." 95% of gun murders involve three or fewer shots fired. [38] Overall the authors reported that "there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in expiry or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury, as we might have expected had the ban reduced crimes with both AWs and LCMs."[39]

A 2019 study institute no statistically significant association between state-level LCM bans and homicide rates.[twoscore]

A 2020 RAND Corporation review indicated that there were few methodologically rigorous studies on the impact of LCM bans on violent crime rates, and concluded that "High-chapters magazine bans have uncertain effects on firearm homicides. Evidence for the upshot of high-capacity magazine bans on firearm homicides is as well inconclusive."[41]

On mass shooting rates and lethality [edit]

A 2019 study examined the effect of large-capacity magazine (LCM) bans on the frequency and lethality of "high-lethality mass shootings" (defined as those resulting in vi or more fatalities) in the United States from 1990 to 2017. Of the 69 high-fatality mass shootings in the U.S. over that menstruation, at to the lowest degree 44 (64%) involved LCMs.[42] Attacks involving LCMs "resulted in a 62% college mean average expiry toll" than mass shootings in which high-capacity magazines were not used. States which had banned high-capacity magazines had a essentially lower incidence of mass shootings, likewise equally far fewer fatalities in mass shootings: "The incidence of high-fatality mass shootings in non–LCM ban states was more than double the rate in LCM ban states; the almanac number of deaths was more than 3 times college."[42] The study acknowledged that because 69 incidents over a 28-yr menses was, for statistical purposes, "a relatively minor number and limits the power to find significant associations," it was possible that the magnitude of the effects detected was overestimated.[42] The study authors "did non have the statistical power (and thus did non even try) to decide whether different aspects of the various LCM laws might have differential effects on the incidence of high-fatality mass shootings."[42]

A 2020 study, examining fatal mass shootings in the U.Southward. for the period 1984–2017, found that, when controlling for other variables, LCM bans, and handgun purchaser licensing laws, were associated with a significant reduction in fatal mass shootings, while attack weapon bans, background checks, and de-regulation of noncombatant concealed carry were not.[43]

See also [edit]

  • Assault weapons legislation in the U.s.
  • Gun laws in the United States by country
  • Gun politics in the United States
  • Bullet button

References [edit]

  1. ^ Part of the Attorney General (November 2001). "Assault Weapons Identification Guide 2000" (PDF). California Department of Justice. Retrieved April 21, 2014.
  2. ^ Polisar, Joseph M. (September 2004). "President's Message: Reauthorization of the Set on Weapons Ban". Police Chief Magazine. International Clan of Chiefs of Police force. Retrieved April 21, 2014. The ban on assail weapons and loftier-capacity magazines has been a crucial component of our national law-breaking-fighting strategy.
  3. ^ a b Kerlikowske, R. Gil (August 24, 2004). "Save the Assault Weapons Ban". Christian Science Monitor . Retrieved April 21, 2014.
  4. ^ Peterson, Phillip (2008). Gun Assimilate Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons. Iola, Wisconsin: Gun Digest Books. p. 11. ISBN978-0896896802. In the context of this book, however, 'assault weapon' refers to a semi-automated firearm that accepts high capacity magazines (10+ rounds) and is patterned after military machine issue select-fire weapons.
  5. ^ New York, N.Y. Consolidated Laws, General Business Law, Article 26: Miscellaneous (PDF). p. 328. Retrieved 28 December 2017.
  6. ^ New York Country Rifle and Pistol Association 5 Cuomo , 38 (W.D.North.Y. Dec 31, 2013) ("Unlike the restrictions on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, the seven-round limit cannot survive intermediate scrutiny.").Text
  7. ^ "Maximum Permitted Magazine Capacity". Special Bulletin for Businesses No. 72. Royal Canadian Mounted Police force. 2014-12-08. Retrieved 28 January 2015.
  8. ^ "Firearms Act 1968".
  9. ^ Patrick Sweeney (2007). Gun Assimilate Book of Ruger Pistols and Revolvers. Gun Digest Books. p. vii. ISBN978-0-89689-472-iii.
  10. ^ Harkinson, Josh (June 14, 2016). "Fully Loaded: Inside the Shadowy World of America'southward 10 Biggest Gunmakers". Mother Jones . Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  11. ^ "Magazine limits were first proposed by Connecticut gun maker". Connecticut Magazine. New Haven Register. April 1, 2013. Retrieved June six, 2018.
  12. ^ William B. Ruger (1992). "An Open Letter". American Handgunner. 12 (five): eighteen.
  13. ^ Roth, Jeffrey A.; Christopher S. Koper (March 1999). "Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban" (PDF). National Institute of Justice Research in Brief (NCJ 173405).
  14. ^ "Large Chapters Armament Magazines Policy Summary". Police Center to Prevent Gun Violence. May 31, 2013. Retrieved March 14, 2014.
  15. ^ "2006 Code of Virginia § 18.2-308.2 – Possession or transportation of firearms, stun weapons, tasers, explosives or concealed weapons by".
  16. ^ "Former Virginia Tech student was allowed to have gun, but not with high-chapters mag".
  17. ^ "2006 Code of Virginia § 18.ii-287.iv – Carrying loaded firearms in public areas prohibited; penalty".
  18. ^ "Municode Library". . Retrieved 2018-03-19 .
  19. ^ "Assault Weapons". Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence . Retrieved 2018-03-xix .
  20. ^ Worman v. Healey, 922 F.3d 26 (1st Cir. 2019); see too Worman v. Healey: Petition for certiorari denied on June 15, 2020, SCOTUSblog.
  21. ^ Due north.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass'n v. Cuomo, 804 F.3d 242 (2nd Cir. 2015); meet also Timothy Bowman, Case Note: New York State Burglarize & Pistol Ass'n v. Cuomo, 804 F.3d 242 (second Cir. 2015), cert. denied sub nom. Shaw 5. Malloy, 2016 WL 632684 (June 20, 2016), The Urban Lawyer, Vol. 48, No. 2 (Spring 2016), pp. 391-393.
  22. ^ Ass'n of N.J. Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc. five. Att'y Gen. of Northward.J., 910 F.3d 106 (3d Cir. 2018); see also Federal court upholds New Jersey gun-command police force limiting high-capacity magazines, Associated Printing (Dec 5, 2018.
  23. ^ Kolbe v. Hogan, 849 F.3d 114 (4th Cir. 2017) (en banc); see also Lyle Denniston, Supreme Courtroom Justices allow ban on high-capacity guns, National Constitution Centre (November 27, 2017).
  24. ^ Friedman 5. Urban center of Highland Park, 784 F.3d 406 (7th Cir. 2015); Supreme Courtroom Won't Hear Challenge to Assault Weapons Ban in Chicago Suburb, New York Times (December 8, 2015).
  25. ^ Asher Stockler, Federal Appeals Court Upholds Ban on Assault Weapons, Large-Capacity Magazines, Newsweek (Baronial 29, 2019).
  26. ^ Bobby Allyn, U.S. Appeals Court In Chicago Again Upholds Laws Banning Assault Weapons, NPR (August 29, 2019).
  27. ^ Duncan v. Bonta, 19 F.4th 1087 (9th Cir. 2021) (en banc). Kristina Davis, 9th Excursion upholds large-chapters gun magazine ban, reversing before decisions, San Diego Union-Tribune (November xxx, 2021).
  28. ^ District of Columbia 5. Heller, 670 F.3d 1244 (D.C. Cir. 2011) (Heller II); see also Post-Heller Second Amendment Jurisprudence, Congressional Research Service (updated March 25, 2019).
  29. ^ Saad, Lydia (December 27, 2012). "Americans Want Stricter Gun Laws, Still Oppose Bans". Gallup. Retrieved March xx, 2018.
  30. ^ Parker, Kim; Menasce Horowitz, Juliana; Igielnik, Ruth; Oliphant, Baxter; Chocolate-brown, Anna (June 22, 2017). "America's Complex Relationship With Guns". Pew Inquiry Center. Retrieved March 24, 2018.
  31. ^ Agiesta, Jennifer (February 25, 2018). "CNN Poll: 7 in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting". CNN. Retrieved March 19, 2018. There is widespread back up for several specific changes to gun laws, ... 63% who support a ban on the sale and possession of high-capacity or extended armament magazines (upwards from 54% in Oct, a new high in CNN polling)
  32. ^ Hart, Benjamin (February 25, 2018). "Two New Polls Evidence Widespread Support for Stricter Gun Laws". New York . Retrieved March 19, 2018. Some specific measures that are broadly popular ... 63 percent favor a ban on high-capacity magazines.
  33. ^ Khalid, Asma (March 2, 2018). "NPR Poll: Afterward Parkland, Number of Americans Who Want Gun Restrictions Grows". Forenoon Edition. NPR. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
  34. ^ Shepard, Steven (February 28, 2018). "Gun command support surges in polls". Politician. Retrieved March 19, 2018. Lxx percent of voters support a ban on loftier-capacity magazines, and 68 percent want to ban assault-style weapons.
  35. ^ "Maine Hunting & Trapping: The Official 2013–14 State of Maine Hunting & Trapping Laws and Rules" (PDF). Warden Service Documents. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. January seven, 2014. Retrieved March 14, 2014.
  36. ^ "ODFW Weapons Restrictions". www.dfw.state.or.the states . Retrieved 2018-03-xix .
  37. ^ "FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8". 2019.
  38. ^ {{cite periodical title= The Association of Firearm Caliber With Likelihood of Expiry From Gunshot Injury in Criminal Assaults |engagement=2018 |url=}}
  39. ^ Koper, Christopher Due south.; Woods, Daniel J.; Roth, Jeffrey A. (July 2004). "Updated Assessment of the Federal Assail Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003; Written report to the National Institute of Justice, U.s.a. Department of Justice" (PDF).
  40. ^ Michael Siegel & Claire Boine, Policy Brief: What Are the Well-nigh Effective Policies in Reducing Gun Homicides, Rockefeller Institute of Government/Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium (March 29, 2019), p. 9.
  41. ^ Effects of Assault Weapon and Loftier-Chapters Magazine Bans on Vehement Offense, Rand Corporation (Apr 22, 2020).
  42. ^ a b c d Klarevas, Louis; Conner, Andrew; Hemenway, David (2019-10-17). "The Effect of Large-Capacity Magazine Bans on Loftier-Fatality Mass Shootings, 1990–2017". American Journal of Public Health. 109 (12): e1–e8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305311. ISSN 0090-0036. PMC6836798. PMID 31622147.
  43. ^ Webster, Daniel West.; McCourt, Alexander D.; Crifasi, Cassandra K.; Booty, Marisa D.; Stuart, Elizabeth A. (2020). "Evidence concerning the regulation of firearms design, sale, and conveying on fatal mass shootings in the United States". Criminology & Public Policy. xix: 171–212. doi:10.1111/1745-9133.12487.

Further reading [edit]

  • Dinzeo, Maria (February 21, 2014). "Mass Shootings Justify Southward.F. Limit on Bullets". Courthouse News Service. Retrieved May 25, 2014.
  • Large Chapters Magazines - summary of U.S. state laws from the Giffords Law Center to Foreclose Gun Violence


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